
Posts Tagged ‘dangers of bad attitude to business’

Homepreneur Mistake: Not Taking Your Business Seriously

February 25, 2010 Leave a comment

Clowning Around with Your Business

Running a home business doesn’t always get the respect it deserves. Some people may feel like your business is more of a hobby than an income earner and you may need to spend some time justifying what you do all day to make your money.

Of course, the attitude of the home business owner contributes enormously to how the business itself is perceived. Simply put, if you were unable to explain in a concise manner what the nature of your business is you may not capture the respect of your audience.

While the aim is not simply to get the admiration of those you meet, the inability to market your business at a moment’s notice is a lost opportunity to sell your product or service to people who may potentially become clients or a source of referrals.

If you are guilty of downplaying your business then you should take a look at How to Take Your Home Business Seriously and The Dangers of Not Taking Your Home Business Seriously for more insight.

In the video presentation below, real entrepreneurs tell their secrets to success!

As usual Homepreneur would love to find out what your thoughts are on the topic. Do you take your business seriously and how do you show it?